Edison's phonograph (1882) introduced the world to the wonder of mechanical sound reproduction, but his mechanical medium was quickly improved upon by the creation of electrical (1925) and digital (1982) media. Sound is a pivotal form of communication.
For next week...
Writing Assignment: Journal 6 (below)
Project homework: LAP proposal (1/2 page).
Reading: Radio, pp. 151 – 179
- Journal 6 - After reading the article Recordings and Surveillance Society, find one current example of the use of recording (sound and/or image) for surveillance. Who made the recording and why? What happened to the recording after it was made? How was the recording received, and how did it impact society?
A current example of the use of recording (image) for surveillance is the surveillance cameras known as the “red light cameras”. Red light cameras are the automated traffic law system recorded by the Traffic Law Enforcement Unit that takes pictures of traffic light violations; Violations such as vehicles speeding and running stop lights. After the recording of the violation, citations are sent in the mail along with payment instructions.
This sort of surveillance has many citizens up in arms over privacy issues while other citizens are cheering. In actuality when discussing privacy in regards to this topic– driving is a regulated activity on public roads. By obtaining a license, motorists agree to abide by certain rules – to obey traffic signals for example. Neither the law nor common sense suggests drives shouldn’t be observed on the road or have their violations documented. In addition, red light camera systems are designed to photograph only a vehicle’s rear license plate – not vehicle occupants.
Chances are we are being filmed on a regular basis either with or without our explicit knowledge. Surveillance is the rule in today’s society and more often than not is done in the name of security and safety.
T. Williams
Example of current video/audio device is the Slingbox which was launched in 2004. It was invented by Sling Media. The purpose of this product is to allow access to your home television viewing and recordings (DVR, VCR) while away from home via internet broadband service, e.g. DSL and cable modem. The product was so successful that it was awarded an Emmy. In September, 2007 the Sling Box Solo was launched. The product was well received by consumers making it popular because it is sold in 5000 retail stores in 11 countries. The impact on society was a revolutionary way to watch and record TV. This information was obtained from www.slingmedia.com/go/about
Yvette S.
A current example of a recording device (video) is the "Camera Phone". David M. Britz of AT&T and Phillipe kahn are said to have received patents for the concept of the camera phone back in "94" & "97". The camera phone combines the convenience of a cell phone and all of its features with the addition of a camera to take digital photos. This feature allows an individual to take photos of any situation at any given time, and have the capability to send and recieve photos via email. This innovation has changed social behavior on all levels because now every one has the resources to capture events and or human action via the digital "camera phone".
I was reading one the comments about (image) and it appears to me that anonymous isnt happy about it, and that because nothing has happen to them, most people dont find fault with any thing until it effect them personally, but I said why wait for something to happen. And if this cameras is taking picture of people as well as license plate, well it will make people think twice about disobeying the law. And after what happened on 9/11 I happy will are being observed. It's not until something happen to us persoanlly that we will change out mind. If someone hit and run in that person family then he/she will be glad that we have those camera taking picture of occupanats as well as license plate
The example of a recording for surveillance is the use of the security cameras. This way it will be easier to find a person who committed a crime. For example, in 7/2005, the New York police had set up security surveillance cameras in my neighborhood. They set the cameras up by the subway station where there are high volumes up people coming home from work, and after hours for their safety. This had a very big impact on the community, because it made coming home late more comfortable knowing that big brother is watching. The surveillance camera also have a clear view of a person who had did a crime to someone. In the begining some people did not want the cameras, because they felt it would be bias, but when the police caught the person who had tried to snatch a woman's bag upon coming out of the subway through watching from the Surveillance camera, then the community was glad and welcome the surviellance cameras.
Linda Shorts
Another example of surveillance (image recording) is fingerprinting. In acient Babylon, fingerprints were used on clay tablets for business transactions. In 1858, Sir Wiliam Hershel first used ink fingerprints on native contracts on a whim, with no thought toward personal identification. The idea frightened the natives into paying for services, and later the prints of the right index and middle fingers were used. In 1990, Dr. Henry Faulds recognized the importance of fingerprints as a means of identification, he devised a method of classification with the use of printer ink. He is credited with the first fingerprinting identification of a greasy fingerprint he noticed on a glass. In 1902, the United States, New York Civil Service Commission for Testing started using the fingerprint method. 1924, an act of Congress established the ID Division of the FBI. By 1946, the FBI had process 100 million fingerprint cards in manually maintained files, and by 1971, 200 million cards. With the introduction of technology, the files were split into computer criminal files, and manually maintained civil files.
In 1996 Disney World began a new biometric system to identify users of annual and seasonal passes abandoning the use of a barcoded liminated photo ID pass. January 2005, all admission in the park began using fingerprint scans as a means to track customers. Unfortunately, many vistors to the parks are not aware of the new policy. They are not informed that their fingerprint information has been scanned and retained. Customers are not provided with information on how long the fingerprints information would be retained, nor whether the information collected would be use for other purposes other than the control of admission to the parks. The use of automation to authenticate people is new and is being tested on consumers without precautions regarding their privacy. The EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) opposses theme park fingerpinting policy because its practices fails to inform their vistors regarding the collection of fingerprint information. Theme parks are not high security facilities that require extensive security. Theme parks have no other means, but to be sure that the person who initially used a pass is the same person who uses the pass on their next visit. This is a gross violation of privacy rights. To collect personally identifiable information only because a company, a Government agency or private party wants to collect the information is not sufficient. Currently, there are not federal laws restricting the collection of personally identifiable information; such as recording of electronic handwriting or personal signature, fingerprints, eye scans, or DNA. As new technologies emerges, laws of invasion, privacy and eavesdropping are not adapting quickly enough to ensure privacy rights.
Catherine Lewis
I like the imaginary that goes on in the movies or on tv. Like Get Smart tv show, or James Bond Movies where they are using technology that is probably here already. Maxwell Smart used to talk into his shoe, and have gadgets in his watch and other places, James Bond can pull anything out of his sleeves and create a diversion or communicate with his people to allow them to catch the bad guys. The pen cameras and voice recorders, the eyeglasses that send pictures back to a monitor for quick identification of a suspect, the lapel pin that can track movement to be able to follow a suspect, camera that can sense the body heat and see in the dark. As we saw during the early part of the war, they have aircrafts that can seek out heat and mark the spot of distruction. The govenment has always had technology that we get well after they have put their finishing touches on them and no longer have the capacity to hide them, they then share with the public.
MTA Transit Authority uses surveillance cameras at most of their locations. One location started using them because of domestic violence. Their employees were being stalked and badly injuried several years ago. It's a shame when you no longer desire to be in a relationship and the other person desires to hurt you. One of the ladies survived after her boyfriend killed himself. She has scares to remember the incident. The implementation of this equipment saved her life. Today it is used to monitor the employees, visitors and vendors entering and leaving the building for "safety and security" they say.
A current example of the use of recording (Image) for surveillance are telephones. There are so many phones on the market that you can use a phone for various functions. Verizon competes with AT &T, Sprint and T-Moblile compete with Verizon and the list of carriers go on and on. The telphone can and have in many cases saved lives. People rely on the telephone for many uses as well as the World Wide Web. I for one would use the telephone because of its many functions. The telphone is a magnificent tool to have. Cathy
MTA Bridges and Tunnels has surveillance via close circuit cameras. Every area on MTA B&T property is being recorded. The purpose of the surveilance is for various reasons. This surveilance has help in capturing crimminals who has crossed on of the bridges or tunnels. Also for the safety of their employees and the revenue it collects. If you ever noticed if you become stuck on a bridge, how does a tow truck know that you are stuck? Cameras !!. Sometimes surveilance is not a good thing, surveilance cameras for the most part are a good thing, then there are times when the camera will capture you doing something you are not suppose to be doing, like taking longer breaks. Internal investigation divison is responsible for maintaining all surveilance equipment and storage of recordings. EZ-pass lanes are also closely monitored. There are times when motorist will run the lane, thanks to the camera a summons is mailed to the motorist address. I welcome surveilance in the workplace for my safety considering the line of work i do.
One form of surveillance is parental control or the V-chip. Tim Collings (Professor) first invented the V-chip in 1991 to help block shows that contained violence (but was only able to block one program at a time). In 1997 it was now capable of handling multiple informational schemes. At first the invention didn't get much recognition until 1993, and then it grew in popularity. Which I believed lead to the computer monitoring.
This version of parental control is made by Microsoft. It allows parents to monitor and control what their children do on the computer (from games, times of use, website visits, etc.).
The reports of the activities are recorded on the computer, where the parent may view, configure restrictions and settings. This was a positive for society. It gave parents a rested mind, knowing that their child is not freely doing something they shouldn't (on the computer) that could in some ways harm their upbringing.
Michelle B.
A current example of the use of a recording device is a surveillance cameras which are used to monitor traffic routes, major sporting events and other public spectacles. They can play an effective part in identifying trouble spots so that an appropriate response can be made. The use of surveillance for this purpose is rarely controversial, especially to monitor a crowd at large, or to home in on familiar troublespots. For example, computerised cameras using face recognition software installed at Manchester’s Main Road football stadium scan the ground for known hooligans, identifiable even if disguised.
Many businesses and residents use surveillance for personal and property protection. While such use is generally unobjectionable, especially when targeted against trespassers, the situation is less clear in the case of invited guests or employees, such as babysitters, who may be unaware that they are under surveillance.
This recording device is greatly appreciated by all. Surveillance cameras has a great impact on today’s society and is a welcome device for security and safety for all.
Sharon Teekasingh
An example of surveillance photography is same-gender loss prevention photography. This is where department stores use male detectives to view male dressing rooms and female detectives to view female dressing rooms as a measure of protecting the store from loss prevention due to shoplifting.
David Esquilin
The camera surveillance system that have been install hidden in people's home. It ensures peace of mind and the safety of many families. This camera has prevent employees, housekeepers, and roommates from theft by using conceled surveillance camera.
It is a miniature camara which is conceled inside of clock, smoke detectors, plants,radios, etc.
Martha Fuentes
he current example of surveillance are the cameras posted in your community over the stop lights, it has lower the rate of many people who are running the red lights. but your still have some who do and when they receive that ticket in the mail that point out the area in which the were when they ran the red light, they become more careful and more vigilante of there driving. This method is one of the best things that could of happen as far as surveillance it not only monitor traffic violations but it has an open eye for crime going on in communities. The quality of the high technology we have today is a good thing it help bring about the safety of the people, even though people in the beginning felt their privacy was being invaded they have come to see that this method and many other methods of surveillance is for their protection, and has now learned to welcome it with openarms because they know that its for the protection of everyone.
Michelle Johnson
one example is the surveillance camera this device is used along with a dvr or vcr. Using the surveillance camera for security around the home allows the homeowner to monitor what is going on outside while remaining safely indoors. These camera are effective, and are used to complement the burglar alarms.
I am going to talk about the surveillance camera. We have them at work, Now it was told to staff that the cameras were put up because we had some inside thefts going on (but later found out it was to help get certian staff members fired, Of course!)but we were having some robberies going on.One night (after the camera) there was a robbery, a very expensive computer was stolen out of one of the calssrooms, when they went to the camera to see who did the stealing (caught red handed....yeah right!)the information had been erased. Now if you have enstalled carmera to sucure your school how do you allow more than five people to have access code to delet what ever they want. I agree with surveillance and then i don't because if you have the power you can runin someones life but on the other hand you can save someones life. With all the surveillance we have in this country my question is What Happened on 9/11? To me surveillence is used for good and bad.
Octaiva :)
10/26/2007 Michelle Moody Jen Please read although assignment is late.
Although i currently work for the New York city Police Department there are several units or commands known as vice commands this commands have set up surveillance cameras in housing areas.
The purpose of these cameras are to monitor violaters and criminal acts that take place. I must say that it has eliminated the rate of crime in my neighborhood.
Also department of traffic has set up cameras to catch drivers who have run red lights as well as commiting motor vehicle crimes,
what we have here is a simple case of "I see U" surveillance cameras are very helpful in solving crimes and preventing accidents.
I selected the Home Surveillance Camera. I watched a news segment where a woman had become suspicious of the marks and bruises on her elderly mother who suffers from Alzheimer's disease. The woman left her mother at home in the care of a home attendant while she went off to work. The home attendent would take care of her mother for about eight hour of the day. The woman started noticing bruises on her when she got home from work and she also noticed her mother was extremely hungry. The woman asked her mother what happen to her arm and her said the home attendant was beating her. The woman became very upset and couldn't believe what her mother told her. The home attendant was like family and had been working for the woman for five years. The woman trusted the home attendant with caring for her mother. The woman needed some answers and decided to install a home surveillance camera inside the home and in her mother's room so she could find out what was going on while she was at work. The woman recorded what was going on in the house for about a week and then viewed the images. The woman couldn't believe what she saw on the tape. The home attendent was hitting, pinching, slapping her mother for no reason. The home attendant would sit down and eat her food or lunch and not feed her mother for hours at a time. Some of the things, which were done to her, were not allowed to air on the television program. I believe if the woman didn't put the home surveillance system in her home, her mother could have died of some unknown injuries. By the home surveillance system being in place, it made it possible for the woman to have proof of what the home attendant was doing to her mother and the images could be used to bring a case against the home attendant. The home surveillance system saved her mother's life. The airing of the recording let people know to be aware of who is caring for their elderly relatives.
J. Johnson
The example that comes to mind, is the story about a high school girl.
The FBI had her family under surveillance because they suspect her father has conncetions to terrorist organizations. And unkowningly recorded the girls murder by her parents.
The example that comes to mind, is the story about a high school girl.
The FBI had her family under surveillance because they suspect her father has conncetions to terrorist organizations. And unkowningly recorded the girls murder by her parents.
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