This week, we move on to explore and to assess the meaning and the impact of visual representation. Beginning with a look at how moving images are created, we move on to think about the role of visual rhetoric in society today. Images (print, film and television) play a significant part in our understanding of ourselves, those we love (and hate) and the world around us. And, while every image "shows" elements of truth, it "hides" an equal amount. For example, if I take a close-up photograph of your eye, this image is a true representation of reality. It really is a picture of YOUR actual eye. However, you have two eyes, a mouth, a nose, two legs and so on... all real/true things that do not appear in the close-up photograph I have taken. The same can be said for every image I see on a magazine cover, in a film or on a news show. These images may give "some" truthful information about the world, but they don't show everything.
For next week... (Oct. 31)Writing Assignment: Journal 8 (below)
Project homework: Work on research paper. Due November 7th.
Reading: Television, pp. 213 - 252
DUE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st After reading the article (
Notes on the Construction of Reality in TV News Programmes), view and analyze a television news story (current or past). The segment you select can be broadcast on a Top 5 network, cable or Internet.
Be sure to include the broadcast information (date, title, network). - Who created the story? Why?
- What is the main message of the story?
- Who is the target audience?
- Who is paying for the story (ads, etc.)?
- What is left out of the story?
The title of the news story viewed: The student's death tied to staph "superbug". The date of the story is October 26, 2007, and the network is wpix/cnn.
The story was created by associated press, because of the death of two students. The news story is talking about the staph infection (which is called MRSA), that had claim the life of Omar Rivera, a middle school student on 10/20/2007, and Ashton Bonds, a high school student on 10/15/2007. This news story is targeting parents, school officals, and the public in general. The story is getting to the public through the ABC news, Roaoke Times, and Associated Press.
What is left out of this story, is a solution, a cure, and a way to stop the spread of this kind of germ.
Linda Shorts
Date: October 30th 2007
Title: Campuses Mourn Loss of 7 Students in House Fire
Network: The New York Times
This story talks about seven college students who were killed at a weekend getaway at a beach house resort in North Carolina. It is unclear how the fire started, however the students were members of the Delta, sorority or the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
The story was created by the New York Times, because of the death of the college students. This story is targeting parents, school officals, and the public in general. The story is getting to the public through the ABC news, New York Times, New York 1 NBC, Fox 5 and the Associated Press. Nissan, Coke, Snapple, Poland Springs etc. are paying for the advertisements. What is left out of this story is the identity of the deceased students and the cause of the fire.
Sharon Teekasingh
Title: Hooters Mom Charged with Homicide after Toddler Dies in Hot Car. Wed. 10/31/07,
This story was created by the Associated Press and AT&T Universal Card paid for the story.
This story focused on a twenty-two year old mother who left her 17-month-old son locked in 100 degrees temperature inside a car while she went to work a 7-hour shift as a Hooters waitress. Upon her return, she realized she forgot to drop her son off at daycare. Attempts to revive the boy was unsuccessful, the child died.
This story targets all parents who do not have natural maternal instincts to remember and realize that they are caretakers, and it is their responsibility to ensure that all measures are taken to protect the safety of children. This short story covered most of the necessary information; the arrest, the charge, names, and place, but there no information on the father of the child.
Catherine Lewis
The story was created by Douglas Feiden of the Daily News on 11/5/07, so that the general public can be informed how tax payer dollars are utilized. The main message is how former Governor Pataki wanted to build a women’s museum to honor women. Nearly $3 million dollars of taxpayer’s money was wasted and the museum was never built. This was ten years ago. Money was wasted on an advisory board and several consultants. They were able to obtain one artifact which cost about $8000 instead of the projected $6130.00. The museum spent about $121,000 on fund raising but only raised $22,650 in private funds. The targeted audience is the tax payers, general public and politicians. Daily News is paying for the story. Consequently, Governor Spitzer and Mayor Bloomberg have decided that the space can be used for a much needed school which would alleviate overcrowding in lower Manhattan. What was left out of the story is that there was no pertinent information as to exactly when the school would be built and the age group of students who would use the school whether elementary, high school etc.
Yvette S.
The story is from the NY daily news. Tuesday nov. 6, 2007
Oprah vows cleanup after the sex abuse scandal at her laedership Academy.
Oprah Winfrey sobbed uncontrollably after learning that girls at her elite school for South Africa's poor were being sexually abused. The talk show Queen has launched full investigation into the sex abused scandal.
The story is targeting the public, the New York daily news is paying for the story
The title of the news story I viewed is: Extra Weight Said Won't Raise Death Risk". The story was viwed on the ABC 7 News Network -dated November 7, 2007.
The message of this story is informing the public that being overwight (having a body-mass-index "BMI" between 25 and 30) did not increase the risk of dying from heart disease or any kind of cancer.
This is a shocker based on previous studies that confirmed being over weight raises death risk. The story also reported - suprisingly overweight people were up to 40% less likely than normal weight people to die from several other causes including emphysema, pneumonia, injuries and various infections.
People should focus on healthful eating and exercise, and stop obessing about carrying a few extra pounds or becoming supermodel thin.
The news story is targeting the audience who is concerned about the health risks that are brought on by being overweight.
The advertiser that is paying for this story is NOVEC.
An important fact that is left out of this story is failure to list other causes that increases the risk of mortality because of being overweight.
T. Williams
ABC News
The story was about a women who went take out the trash, her son slipped down the fire escape and fell four flights down.
This story is targeting parents and want to be parents. It only takes a second and a child could die. The child is in the hospital in critical condition, and the mother was not arrested.
I have selected the broadcasting network NBC. On NBC, they have a segment called Dateline with reporter Chris Hansen. The program airs Sunday at 7:00pm on channel 4. The segment I watched was Dateline's series "To Catch A Predator." The program sets up decoys from Perverted Justice to catch predator who are chatting with under age children in order to have sex with them. The decoys act as if he/she is an under age child to chat with the predators and are able to get the predators to trust them enough to meet with the decoy at a house, which is set up by the special taskforce of Perverted Justice and the local police.
The message the program is sending out is to the parents and children that they need to be aware of on line predators. It informs parents when they are not around, their children could be in contact and talking with these predators and giving out personal information such as their address, age and telephone numbers to strangers. The program lets people know children are conversing with these predators and setting up meeting with them.
The target audience is parents; friends, children and anyone who wants to keep their children safe from harm of internet predators. The sponsors of this show were Ford, Sun Silk Shampoo, ALL laundry detergent, Total cereal and Planters Peanuts.
J. Johnson
"African Americans supporting Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton"
MSNBC News Live, MSNBC (network) 11/12/07
The story(my perspection) is created by the Obama Campaign quarters to get more African Americans to support his campagian. The main message, which Mrs. Obama stated is that Black America has to make up there own minds, or as she puts it "wake up" and make their own deciesion on who is the best candiate for the presidency. The target audience is voters, the economically, educational, political motivated african american audience, more so female, female, black audience.
Although it was just a segement, and as a viewer i know that they cut up the interview to portary her words to their liking, what was left out was Mrs. Obama's jusitication for her comment "wake up" and why she feel that black america would not vote for her husband.
L. Richardson
This story is about student scores enter spin class. The date of the story friday November 16, 2007 and was in the daily news.It discussed reading and math scores of city children, although fourth grade students improved on their math exams. Which the reading scores stayed about the same.But they are still saying that their scores was shy of 2 points on the national level.This targets our sudents and parents which makes parents more involved about the testing curriculum of their children. They must know how important it is for our children to achieve and be successful. Numbers are what every thing is based on, so all schools are pushing for high levels for their students.
michelle johnson
The tittle of this article daily news staff writers
tittle Police urges cops to reform a policy for mentally ill.
The date November 20 2007
the state lawmaker called for changee yesterday after two mentally ill men were killed one holding a brush the other holding a wine bottle. in six days. The first cops that were disbatched to the scene were not trained in dealing with emotionally ill people"ESU is the best is the best trained in the nation to respond to these cases. the unit responed to 81,799 cases involving disturbed people through Nov.19 with out incident. what is left out will all officers be trained to handel mentally ill people so that they will not become fatalities. ttribble #8
The story that was viewed was about an 18 year old boy that was shot 22 times and killed by police in Bed Stuy Brooklyn, NY. It aired on "Fox 5" 5, 6 and 10 o’clock news shows. The story was generated by the associated press, and its main purpose is to inform the viewers of the crime rate and levels of police brutality within the urban community. The audience targeted is basically adult age groups 18 and over through out the tri state area. The sponsors ranged from car dealers to beer companies.
The 18 year old boy got into a dispute with his mother and threatened to shoot her. The 911 call confirmed the treats over the phone. When the cops arrived the boy appeared outside holding what appeared to be a gun to cops. The cops ordered the boy to drop the gun and he ignored them. They fired several times killing the boy. The cops eventually found a hair brush which is actually what the teen was holding and what they mistook for a gun.
After he was convicted of killing a white teen, states he was protecting his family from what he considered as a "lynch lob". Mr. White says the shooting was an accident he says he was scared by a group of teenagers who were yelling racial slurs at him. White believes that the verdict would have been different if he was white.
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