To learn more about Women's Press Collective, contact Lisa Daniels at 718-222-0405.
For next week...
Writing Assignment: Journal 7 (below)
Project homework: LAP contract (in class) and annotated bibliography (min. 3 sources).
Reading: Film and Home Video, pp. 181-211
- JOURNAL 7 - Find a radio program online (it can be a variety show, news program, music program, drama, etc. from any era). After listening to your program, describe its message AND the social function of its message (to disseminate information; to set an agenda; to entertain; to distract; to socialize; etc.). Be sure to include the source information for the show you selcted (eg. title, reporter, station, air date and time, URL).
Here are a few links you can use to help you:
Radio Lab
On the Media
Radio Lovers
National Public Radio
Public Radio Exchange
Mercury Theatre on the Air
Internet Archive of Radio Programs
EXTRA CREDIT: Select and LISTEN TO ONE of the six parts of Rick Karr's TechnoPop: The Secret History of Technology and Pop Music (NPR, 2002). Bring a summary of what you learned to class next week for extra credit on any late or missed journal entry.
Source: Old Time Radio
URL: www.archive.org
Sherlock Holmes
The Case of the Canary Trainer
This has been a delightful and nostalgic journey. It gives one a look at how people were entertained before television. I listened to the story twice. Once, with my eyes open and then with my eyes closed. With closed eyes you get better visual images of what’s going on in the plot.
In this story the villain is a man that Sherlock Holmes had sent to jail years earlier. However, he managed to escape from prison, change his identity and become a canary trainer. A nervous young woman goes to Holmes’ office to complain that she is being followed by a man. Holmes confronts the man and he jokingly tells Holmes that he intends to commit murder, murder of two canaries. After a while Sherlock Holmes recognizes something familiar about him and figures out where he knows him from.
The villain confronts Holmes at the top of a lake and shoots himself with a gun filled with blanks and falls into the water. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson bring the news of the man’s death to his wife who doesn’t seem moved by the news.
When Sherlock Holmes and no one else can find the body of the man, Holmes begins to suspect his wife of fowl play. Ultimately, Sherlock Holmes bluffs the woman into thinking that he has tested the murder weapon and her fingerprints are on it. Subsequently, she admits to having murdered her husband and his canaries. As Sherlock Holmes would say, it’s all elementary, elementary.
David Esquilin
Title: Refugee
Reproters: Brooke Gladstom & Bob Garfield
Station: WNYC: New York Public Radio
Air date: Sepember 9, 2005, but it do not give a time.
URL: http://www.onthemedia.org/transcripts/2005/09/09/01
The online news progam is about the situation that transpired in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The controversy was concering the word refugees, because they are not from a different country, but the people who live in New Orleans are Americans. The effects of this situation has caused a problem among the black journalis, because they felt the people fleeing from New Orleans should be called evacuees instead of refugees,and the listeners of the news program may misunderstand about the people from New Orleans. What is and actually believed about the people who lived through Hurrican Katrina, is more than one can believe, and to call people refugees is not acceptable.
Linda Shorts
Source: On The Media
Reporter: Brooke Gladstone
Date: October 19, 2007
Title: Poster Children
URL: http://www.onthemedia.org/transcripts/2007/10/19/03
This segement is pertaining to health insurance which was vetoed by President Bush. The democrats used two children in ads to respond to the veto. A 12 year old and a 2 year old. The whole controversy is mostly based on the two children and not the veto itself. The 12 year old met with Cindy Sheenan, 9-11 widows, other people and children who all basically feels that they have been cheated in some way. The two year old is being targeted because it is felt that her mother quit a job which provided insurance and then later conceived her. These ads created a whole string of emails and media frenzy which was actually generated from a senator's office.
The Steve Harvery Morning Show, 107.5 WBLS; Nephew Tommy's Crank Calls
Nephew Tommy, calls a man on the phone to say that the fertility clinic they both went to made a mistake and inseminated the man's wife with is sperm, Nephew Tommy's concern is that he would not want to pay child support, the gentleman is not happy with the call and wants to know how come the Dr. didn't call and how Nephew Tommy got his #. Nephew Tommy upsets the man and tells him he dosen't want the anger around his child, the man is furhter angered at hearing Nephew Tommy call the child his, and there is also the issue of race, Nephew Tommy is black, and the crank call is being pulled on a caucasian man, with the help of his wife.
The show is for entertainment purposes only and it is set up to pull crank calls on people set up with the help of family and relatives.
I listen to "The Miss Jones Show in the morning" on Hot 97 WQHT NY, and it is basically a Hip Hop entertainment show with some varetity in the form of news, wheather, sports and fashion. Its purpose is to entertain Hip Hop fans.
Source: joniandfriends.org/pg radio ministry
Title: American Idol
Date: 10/22/07
This is a radio ministry program, "Joni and Friends", a 5-minute broadcast airing each weekday. It is an inspirational program dealing with a wide range of topics, with a biblical perspective. The one I listened to entitled "American Idol" a caller called in to tell how she was watching the finals of American Idol, when her husband reminded her that it was time for Bible study, without protesting she studied with her husband. This program is geared for Christians and provides a biblical inspired insight into some of life's tougher questions. The message gives hope for thousands who find themselves faced with life's difficulities.
Catherine Lewis
Source: On the media
Title: Tele Compliance
Reporter: Brooke Gladstone
Station: WNYC: New York Public Radio
Air date: October 19, 2007 http://www.onthemedia.org
This article is about the tele compliance that Congress argues over the bill to extend the administration's secret wiretapping program, some lawmakers are frustrated by government stonewalling. The White House wants Congress to grant immunity to the phone companies that violated privacy laws by handing phone records over to the government, but the secrecy over the spying program has placed a roadblock in front of immunity legislation. Companies like AT&T and Verizon have told Congress that the White House is preventing them from talking, citing the State Secrets Privilege. the White House is telling companies that they cannot speak to an oversight committee and share information to Congress. That raises very significant constitutional questions of separation of powers and even contempt.
According to Jonathan Turley, professor at George Washington University Law School, says the phone companies shouldn’t be let off the hook. The message the government is sending is to distract the public from the truth by not accepting the views of the phone companies that are willing to testify.
Sharon Teekasingh
On the Media
Adriana Black
NY Public Radio-WNYC
Professor Jonathan Turley at George Washington University Law School states,"the phone companies should be let off the hook when legislation performs wiretapping phone calls". This process would allow the gov't to wiretap any and all conversations. Prof. turley says the gov't was already performing this task anyway. He states that, "the gov't would acquire the information and at a later date go and get a court order from the judge". He further discusses that one company, Quest communication refused to comply and suddenly they were in troble with the gov't. This message sets an agenda for society. You either do it our way or we will get you another way.
Source: On The Media
URL: HTTP://www.onthemedia.org/
Bob Garfield & Brooke Gladstone
It was an informative piece discussion on wiretapping legislations. The Discussion center around Congress wanting to sue phone companies for allowing the government to impose wiretapping. The telephone companies feel that the government should be sued not them because they were in compliance with what the government asked them to do.
This piece was very informative because I learned that my cellphone/home provider is one of the companies that has allowed the government to easedrop on what people believe are private personal calls.
L. Richardson
Source: On The Media
Title: Poster Child
Reporter: Brooke Gladstone
Station: WNYC
Air Date: 10/19/07
URL: http://www.onthemedia.org/
I had the opportunity to listen to "On The Media" radio program. The message dealt with the battle over the Congress failing to override the President's veto for an expansion of the S-CHIP (Child Health Insurance Bill). During this battle two children and a Senator was scruntinized. The children were used as Poster Children by the Democrats. The 1st child (12yrs. old) gave his own opinion as a response to the Presidents veto; by attributing his living today because of CHIP. The 2nd child was used in an Ad by holding a sign that read "Don't veto me."
It's amazing how the media (journalism)can redirect and refocus; to be able to take the interest off the subject matter of the bill being vetoed by the President to the scrutiny of the children being used in a capacity that was not intended - questioning their eligibility for the benefits for Child Health Benefits.
When we look at the social function of the radio show's message - it is to disseminate information. This message informs the listener - there are a lot of Americans who have been demeaned, called liars, cowards, frauds and is threatened for daring to publicly espouse a view that the Right disagrees with. For instance the 12yr old Poster child requesting CHIP was being scrutinized for attending private school; but it was not reported he was attending school on a scholarship; how convenient to leave out that important detail.
In addition, to actually imply that because a mother quit her job which provided insurance, now had a baby who is sickly and does not have insurance - should not be entitled to CHIP; how absurd.
It can make the listner of the radio show wonder if Senator McConnel is guilty of "propogating a smear"
People can and sometimes will help propagate a story which can scar someone for life. This is an example of how the act of doing actions underhanded and can cause more harm than we think.
This experience of listening to a radio program online has shed light on how crucial it is to know how important the message is; in how it is described and its social function - by the journalist and the media as a whole.
T. Williams
There is one thing that i love to listen to and that is music, i listen to any kind of music. So for this post i am going to use the station www.iatv.tv/music/, why because for the past two years my ears have taken me abroad to country of Korea. I am really into korean music, but this station is not only about korean music it plays alot of Asian and Asian American music. To me this station is trying to put Asian and Asian American artist in the main stream so that we call hear the music, they have all kinds from rock to jazz, hip hop, r&b (rain). They just recently had festival (which i missed :(, because of work, of course)it was called the Tokyo music festival Talib Kweli and DJ A-Trak. I believe that Asian Americans are trying to close the social, sterotypical, and cultrual gap amongist them and other minorities by saying that they have the same intrest as others and i think they are trying to start it off by using music, because musci is very versatile and i agree with them :).
Octavia :)
Hi Jen, my blog for session seven was about Poster Children-Yvette S.
Tittle of the program childhood Matters
Date: September 7th
URL: www.radio lovers
jounal #7
The focus of this program was to take a look how guns are available in our comunity. how people in the "Hood" know how and where to purchase a gun.most often this violence is perpetrated on the Black and Hispanic communities. One caller suggested to make bullets very expensive so the average joe could'nt afford them. Another caller goes on to speak on a experience he had while visiting with a friend. the friend went into his parents bedroom, climbed up in a chair, he took out a little brown box, He looked in amasement there it was a little black gun. the friend picked up the gun and pointed it at his head,the friend ducked and the gun went off and made a hole that went from room to room. this incident has caused some stress tramatic syndrome. for this man as an adult. From time to time the man thinks back and he says that could have been me.I could have been shot if I hadn't ducked in time.
My listening choice is 98.7 kiss FM. the wakeup club, weekday mornings from 6Am-10AM. I love the morning show They play a variety of old and new R&B music, they gives update on the news, weather and entertainment reports. On sunday morning they have a program from 10AM- 12PM called open line which discuss community issues, and listeners can call.
I don't really listen to much radio, but i did enjoy the live session in February 2005, with Gerald Levert and Lenny Green of 98.7 kiss-FM. it was informational and entertaining at the same time. The interview discussed issues that Gerald was going through, and it talked about how him and members of his family was falsely arrested and mistreated by white officers while traveling on the highway.
Michelle Johnson
Title: The Steve Harvey Morning Show
Reporter: Steve Harvey
Station: WBLS 107.5 FM
Date: Oct.15, 2007
Time: Every morning from 6:00am to 10:00am
The radio program I chose to listen to was The Steve Harvey Morning Show. On this particular morning I tuned in to the station, the agenda was to let the listening audience know what was going on with Jena 6 down in Jena, Louisiana. The message Steve Harvey was relaying to his listeners was that modern day slavery is still alive in America and people must come together to stop what is going on in Jena and around the world. Steve Harvey wanted people to know what is going on in Jena, LA with the Jena 6 boys could happen right here in New York City. He said, "By coming together and voting we will be able to make changes in the laws." I believe he was targeting people who don't think they can make a difference in today's society by voting and just sit home and don't go to the polls. If we as people don't wake up and continues to keep that kind of mind set, what the Justice system in Jena,LA is able to get away with, we will soon see that here in the NYC.
At one time, there was nothing about Jena and the 6 African-American boys, but because of radio stations like The Steve Harvey Morning Show and The Michael Baisden Show on 98.7 Kiss FM were able to keep people aware of the stituation with the 6 boys. The Steve Harvey Morning Show continues to let us know what is happening to the boys, the charges, their cases and how we can get involved and help. You can also log on to the website to read and get more insight about this story.
J. Johnson
Hi Jen;
I listen to 98.7 Kiss FM in the mornings. It is very entertaining and gets me going in the mornings. At 5a.m. the Gospel is on With Donnie McClurkin who is a pastor at a Church in L.I. and he's on fm5-6 a.m. I enjoy listening to the Gospel also. Afterwards; fm 6- 8 a.m. they are playing a variety of music which i enjoy. When it comes to music i enjoy just about all types of music. (Oldies, and Goodies)The Best Variety of Old School and Today's R&B. In between the music playing, commercial ads, etc. they play pranks on one another. I enjoy listening to 98.7 KISS FM. Someone will call in and want to play a prank on a friend, family member, coworker, etc. I enjoy listening to 98.7 Kiss FM. Sometimes they even have a question or two for the listeners to call in and then they may give a prize out. The two or three of the Radio Hosts in the morning are Jeff Foxx, Shaila. They are just hilarious. Also, i am hoping to win the $1,000 that they are giving away. The times that your name can be called is 7, 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. So far my name has not been called. Michael Baisden and Lenny Green host the radio show in the afternoons and late evenings. Michael has stories that you would not believe. He is very popular in the afternoons. If you should ever hear my name being called pls call me. (This message goes out to all my classmates also). Thanks All. Cathy P.
The radio station i choose to write about is the Open Line. This program airs on Sundays from 10am to 12 noon on 98.7 Kiss FM The reporters are Bob Slade, Judge and Judge Bob Pickett. This program basically speaks about all the current issues going on, from politics, sports, race inequality, etc. whatever is happening. Not saying the program is not for everyone, but the target audience is African Americans. I find this program to be very informative.
Those who do not know about the programs should check it out.
October 2007
Journal #7
Radio WNYC.org Public Radio Station On The Media
Manage service for tune 100 companies down loads file transfers from ISP’s
Comcast subscribers, Comcast blocks or delays user from downloading articles from ISP’s Broadband makes faster communication so what would be the future of it, if companies like Comcast of it, if companies like Comcast are allowed to block or delay the downloading of shared files from other ISP’s advocated groups are fighting to prevent this company from blocking or delay shared filing downloading
Air date October 22, 2007 at 10:00 p.m.
Source On The Media
Martha Fuentes
On the Media-Source
Feb. 2006- Date
Year of Murders- Title
Jill Leavy- reporter
Jill Leavy chronicles murder in Los Angeles, she spent one year recording every murder that occurred that year totaling over 800.
The Women's Press Collective is a cult front.
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