Tonight, we began our investigation of communication technology by examining three crucial questions: 1) What is communication? 2) What tools aid communication? and 3) How have communication tools evolved? Communication is the exchange of information involving a sender, message, channel and receiver. This is known as the SMCR model of communication. Communication can take many forms including linguistic (language), nonverbal (body language), written text, sound, taste and sight. Almost anything can be a form of communication... the color of a shirt, the gait of a walk, the pitch of a word and so on. Communication forms change depending on the number and involvement of senders and receivers. The key forms are intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and mass.
Communication has evolved through four distinct social-historical time periods: pre-agricultural, agricultural, industrial and informational. During each of these periods, people communicated differently (and had different worldviews!) based upon the availability of communication technologies (or tools). A historical progression of communication could look like this: oral traditions (songs, folktales) -> written language (hand-copied books) -> mechanical (printing press, telegraph, photograph, etc.) -> digital (computers, internet). Today, we (in USA, Europe...) live in an information society. This means that the majority (50%) of our economy and workforce are involved in the buying and selling of information. Throughout the remainder of this course, we will attempt to discover what this fact means for our everyday lives (ethics, economics, politics, etc.)
WRITING: Journal 2 (see below)
PROJECT: Research paper proposal (worksheet).
READING: Media and Society, pp. 29 – 54
- JOURNAL 2 - Using the communication technology you have selected as your research paper topic, discuss how the technology can be used for each of the following communication types: intrapersonal, interpersonal, small group, large group and mass. For one of your examples, analyze the communication using the SMCR model.
Jen, I am not sure that I am giving the correct way of doing the journal, but this is what I have. Please advise.
My research topic will be on television and the impact it have on children,and teens.
Television is one of the most prevalent media influences in the lives of children and teens. How much of an impact it have on them will depend on how much television is watched during the week, and especially when home alone without supervision. In the past, television was suitable for children and teens to watch without supervision, but with all the violence, sex, and languages on the screen, it had taken television in a new realm. Intrapersonal communication: I am thinking whether or not a particular program is suitable after watching it for myself.I am having a one on one conversation in my mind about the program, and the kind of messagae it is giving out. Interpersonal communication: Talking over a particular television program or movie shown with another person, and between the both of us discussing the impact of the of the movie or program,we will try to see it in a positive sense, and in a negative. Then begin to come up with solution. In a small group setting, feed back on television programs can be discuss and divse a plan to keep violent movies out of the homes of our children. Large group communication, there will only be a limited amount of people in the group,which will be able to give feed back to programs and movies which will be deemed harmful to children and teens. Mass communication: Television can be used as a bridge to what's happening in the world view,and locally to a host of viewers.
Using the SMCR model with the interpersonal communication: The source is the network between myself and the other person. The message is the words and images used between each of us, the channel helps the way the message is broadcast between the two, and the reciever is listening and viewing.
Linda Shorts
The cell phone provides enormous amounts of comunication capabilites to the world. It gives an indivisual 24 hr, 7 days a week acess to people, networks, and computers via telephone and text messaging.
Since my topic is about the evolution of sound recording devices. This is how I would analyze the request for Journal #2. For intrapersonal I would consider listening to a MP3 player. Interpersonal would most likely be a friend and I listening to a single 45. Small Group would be listening to a CD. Large group would be something such as listening to digitized music or concert. Using the SMCR model I will use the example of intrapersonal where the sender is the MP3 player, the message is the music, the channel is the means by which the music can be heard. The receiver would be me, the listener.
Yvette S.
people use a varity of ways to communicate with each other, the cell phone is one technology that is world wide. Cell phones has advanced over the years and has many functions, it's one form of communication that represent smcr.
Hi Jen,
As we discussed in class last week, I have decided to write about the "N" word. This has been a hot topic for the past couple of decades. Many religous, political, and civil rights leaders are up in arms about it. I will especially focus on how the "N" word is often featured in the hip-hop and rap industry. This medium of communication reaches vast amounts of young people and has a large influence on them.
David Esquilin
Intrapersonal-Taking picture of family for memory.
Interpersonal-Taking picture of natures beauty and various scenerys.
Small groups-Social functions.
Large Group-Capturing special occasions.
Mass-Event - ex: labor day parade.
M-Picture captured
R-Reciptant to whom I am sending too.
My research topic will be Trade Journals, for the purpose of selling homes or property.
Trade Journels help connect with the large and mass groups through not only the journel but putting a web address for constant updates and a world wide reach,with small groups of people through grocery outlets and newsstand, interpersonal: by the customer calling to find out the exact info. on the property. intrapersonal: would help me to know exactly what property the customer is seeking info. on because each property is listed in price, area, type order.
Hope I did it right
coming up with info. for this topic is not easy, I do have some trade journels to help
Hey Jen,
So i finally got it right, what you want from me. My Research paper is going to be oncomputers and children. I feel that children and computers go along just fine, i am going to use small group because i love how children can interact with other children in other states and countries through the classroom. This will help children know how other children are thought in the class room, they can also make new friends. I pray to god this is what you want if not i will pass out.
Octavia :)
My research topic will be MTA Public Announcement Systems (PA).
MTA Transit Authority uses this form of communication in so many ways. For this assignment let me use this situation.
NYPD has notified Rail Control Center (RCC) of a situation where someone has been asssulted and the allege "perp" ran in the "E" line subway station.
Intrapersonal communication is performed by RCC and they must decide what their plan of action will be appropriate in order to assist NYPD.
RCC then notifies the superviors at the terminal and the terminals surrounding that station via radio, this process is interpersonal communication.
The supervisors then notify the tower operator(s) of the situation and then they must send all trains on the local tracks (group communication).
The supervisors from the various stations (terminal)the order the trains will run("E"train, "F" train, "V" trainand then the "R" train) via radio (small-group communication).
Every train operator will notify their conductor of the new orders they have received via radio(large group).
The announcement is made at all subway stations that are effected by one dedicated announcer using MTA PA System.
Denise W.
in my research the piece of technology i chose to use is an equalizer, which is used to enhance the sou d of youe equipment. In interpersonal equalizers are used by the telephone companies to reduce crosstalk between adjacent telephone wires. Intrapersonal of an equalizer is used to set frequencies to what works for them as they adjust and there system. In a group equalizers are used for voice recording to enhance, and for mass it is used for large groups in live perfomances. The equalizer sends messages to other channels of the system that receives what it wants it to respond to which makes it a valuable instrument for this piece of technology.
Michelle johnson
My research topic will be on the cell phone, the history and the future. The cell phone has many different functions and people are able to communicate through this amazing technolgy. This technolgy can be used to leave messages on the voicemail, send messeages through text, internet, and now can be used as a music device at the same time.
Sharon Elliott
My topic for research is, In what ways have the use of a cell phone impacted the capabilites of parenting. i will compare the postive aspect as well as negative aspects.
Michelle Moody
The communication technology i have selected is email. Intrapersonal- When we set up a schedule, meeting or appointment on the calendar feature inside the email. This will remind us of any important dates or upcoming events which we may want to attend and not forget. Interpersonal- If I have a photo or clipping I want my friend to view, I will send it to their email address. This way they are able to see the item and give me their feed back on it. Small group- when you have a message, you want to communicate to a small group of people, you are able to set up a distribution list with your email. The distribution list allows you to set the amount of people you want to receive the message and only those people within that group will get the message you are sending out. Large group- The email allows you to send out a message to as many email recipients as you have in your address book. By saving email address into your address book you are able to send messages to a large amount of people. When choosing to set up a mailing list with your email addresses you can send a message to a large amount of people. Mass- You are able to send messages to your distribution list, mailing list, co-workers, and friends all over the world. The email makes it easy for you to communicate with millions and millions of recipients. The amount of recipients you want to communicate with is really up to you.
SMCR Model- I have a flyer for an upcoming event and I want people to know about the event so they would be able to attend. The source is myself. The message is the flyer about the event. The channel is the email. The receiver is all the email addresses or recipients I will send the flyer to in order to get the announcement out.
J. Johnson
My reseach topic will be on powerpoint and the media, and how powerpoint has play important role in how especailly in large-group communication that involves many. and where feed-back from the receivers of the messages.
today I have learned about intrapersonal, interpersonal , group and mass as a way of communication. The cell phone is a example of digital interpersonal situation in which two people talking. intrapersonal communication is when we think what would be next move, example typing into a computer. the group is more than three people.
Communication in the information Age, we did not have internet, with the old media we have bulky radio, television, newspaper and film. The New Media is digital laptop, digital camera, cell phone, and much more.
Martha Fuentes
The cell phone is a very good communication tool for talking to someone on a one on one basis, but is not usable for reaching more than one person at a time. If you have a speaker phone then that way you can speak to small or medium group but not to a large or massive audience.
The mobile phone or cell phone is a long-range, portable electronic device used for mobile communication. In addition to the standard voice function of a telephone, current mobile phones can support many additional services such as SMS for text messaging, email, packet switching for access to the Internet, and MMS for sending and receiving photos and video. Since the introduction of mobile phones, concerns have been raised about the potential health impacts from regular use.
Sharon Teekasingh
I have chosen the the television as my communication technology topic for my research paper.
The television can be used for each of the following communication types:
Intrapersonal - While channel surfing I am trying to make a decision with myself on what television program should I view.
Interpersonal: Once I have made a decision on what to view on the television I now invite my daughter to sit with me to watch the television program together. We have a great discussion about the program when it is over.
Small Group: My daughter and I have enjoyed watching the television program so much that we are glad we decided to tape the program. I now ask my husband and my son to watch the program with us again.
Large Group: My husband enjoyed the program so much that he showed the tape on the television a week later - when we had a large family gathering of twenty family members at our house.
Mass: My daughter felt that the television program had such a great impact on how youth viewed the hip hop generation; she convinced the coordinator for the State Youth Conference to show it on all of the televisions in classrooms at the conference. In total, over 3,000 youth were able view this powerful television program.
T. Williams
JEN: i going throuth the blogs and discovered i never submitted session two
My research topic is how cell phones and parenting interact with each other pros and cons
the use of the cell phones seems to be intrapersonal, although i submitted my paper already i realized while conducting my research parents with younger children do not focus on fashionable phones opposed to the lasted technology for the older teenagers. what it all boils down to is finding practical family plan and teaching ones child the responsibilty of having a cell phone, and staying withing the limites of texting and talking. although most parents did face the reality of paying the high prices of cell phone communication.
michelle moody submitted late
TTribble #2 My research Topic is how people communicate through clothing You can wear different styles of clothing, for instance wearing a uniform can be used for many different reasons, such as economic reasons, it can also be used as a sence of comformity.
My communication tech. is newspapers.
The SMCR model for mass:
Newspapers company is the sender; whatever they want you to believe is the message; print media (newspaper) is the channel; the mass population is the receiver.
Newspapers can be used for:
-Intrapersonal (questioning yourself whether you should read what the newspaper has to say).
-Interpersonal (newspaper article telling you a story).
-Small group (You and a couple of friends read that article and talk about it).
-Large group (a classroom uses the article for current events).
-Mass (that newspaper article reaching the entire population to pursuade).
Michelle B.
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