Tonight's lesson examined the important connections between media and society through a discussion of three key questions: 1) How do media institutions work? 2) What is the relation between media and society? and 3) How do new media technologies spread in society? Media institutions today rely heavily upon media economics to sustain their influence upon society; understanding the significance of media marketing, the distribution of information and the desire for financial profit are essential to understanding media's role in the distribution of information and culture today.
There are a number of critical theories used to analyze media's role in modern society, including notions of political economy, semiotic analysis and functionalism, to name a few. Each theory relies heavily upon dissecting one or more of media's key functions: surveillance, interpretation, socialization, entertainment (and distraction), agenda setting, gatekeeping (censorship) and framing.
Writing Assignment: Journal 3 (see below)
Project homework: Research paper outline (worksheet).
Reading: Books and Magazines, pp. 57 – 85
Bring a magazine to class next week.
- JOURNAL 3 - What are the social functions of the technology you have selected as your research topic? Which function is dominate? How has the technology been used to create and to distribute culture?
The technology I have selected to use for my research paper will be on Television.
The social function of television are the following; sports events, children's programs, music concerts, comedy shows, movies, and etc...
The function which is more dominating is sports, because in the United States sports are an important part of the national culture, and advertising is the key to distributing the beauty of the games such as football, basket ball and etc..
Linda Shorts
Socialization of sound recording-I would use the CD as an example. A recorded CD can produce entertainment to varying groups and also be presented as gift during special occasions such as, birthdays, holidays, etc. The CD can be used for theraputic inspirations when relaxing, cooking, painting, running, instructions, and even to assist in falling asleep. The function I believe dominates is mainly entertainment.
Yvette S.
The technology for the research paper is the Trade Journal (homes.
The dominate social function is to entice people with beautiful homes for purchase.
To create and to distribute culture with this technology is to put Trade Journals of warmer climates such as Florida and the Carolinas in the shopping area of New York, or put Journals of New Jersey, and the Hampton, homes with huge estates to suggest your desire for home ownership with the best of homes in afflunent neighborhoods.
The social function of the P.A. system is to show a relationship and communicate with our customers. This would indicate that our dominate functions would be surveillance and interpretation. These functions allow MTA to locate the trains and supply alternate routes for our customers when necessary, thus creating and distributing pertinent information to the various cultures that ride our subway system.
Denise W.
The social functions of a television broadcasting network are surveillance, interpretation and entertainment. Some would like to believe that its dominate function is to entertain, however I feel it is to interpretate.
Whether through sitcoms, movies or news cast, T.V. Broadcast newtworks monitor worldly and local issues with the manifested intentions to get that information to the masses. However as gatekeepers of information, they only give information that they want you to know, that is after they have put their "spin" on it.
The one above with television broadcasting as my technology, is mine.
The Cell Phone is the technology that i have chosen to research.
The cell phone provides tremendous amounts of socical functions by giving the user acess to verbally communicate in an instant and to also, email, text message, & send videos.
The dominate function is the capability it gives an indivisual to communicate in an instant. " People need to have constant acess to each other for buisness, safety, education, family".
The Cell Phone is the technology that i have chosen to research.
The cell phone provides tremendous amounts of socical functions by giving the user acess to verbally communicate in an instant and to also, email, text message, & send videos.
The dominate function is the capability it gives an indivisual to communicate in an instant. " People need to have constant acess to each other for buisness, safety, education, family
The Cell Phone is the technology that i have chosen to research.
The cell phone provides tremendous amounts of socical functions by giving the user acess to verbally communicate in an instant and to also, email, text message, & send videos.
The dominate function is the capability it gives an indivisual to communicate in an instant. " People need to have constant acess to each other for buisness, safety, education, family".
The technology that I have chosen is Newspapers.
Some of the social functions of Newspapers are: gatekeeping, framing and entertainment.
I believe the dominant function to be gatekeeping. The newspapers control the amount of the whole story (truth) they want you to know. They choose the stories which they think would draw more buyers. And by withholding (or twisting) information they are highly involved with framing.
This technology is a mass media and has been used to give a specific organization/person a tool to spread their information (framed) about specific groups (music, nationality, business, etc.) to society.
Michelle B.
I think the social functins of the technology I have selected would be it communication,and percise way in which you understand the information in the presentation.
Positive impacts of cell phone that attact people to buy it. Many people believe that a cell phone is safety. especially for parent because they can communicate with their children.
the dominate fuction I would say that no one can live without a cell phone nowaday because people use the phone for business, school, and emergencies.
Martha Fuentes
The social functions of the Television are as follows: transmitter of the world, gives information, entertainment medium, structuring the needs for reflection and contemplation, create real connections, reproduction of the status quo and structuring daily life.
The most dominate function of the television is "the transmitter of the world - gives information." I have selected this function because we live in a information society. We live and breathe on information.
Technology (Television) has been used to create and to distribute culture by constituting a link between the home and the outside world, when it comes to receiving information. As television today is organized where the viewers live; it contributes to bringing the rest of the world closer and the local ones move further away.
T. Williams
the technology i'm going to use has change from what i was originally going to use. i'm now going to attempt to use an internet function of hipschools wehich offer parent information via through the internet, which helps parents involvement and keeps them informed which provides them with a better metod of notification of the childrens attendance, test scores, grading information, discipline. This provides equal access to parent and students through via technology ti enhance the educational process. And this is a method for parent wanting to be involved through the world wide net. This helps teachers keep an open focus and communication with parents.
michelle johnson
My Technology topic is computers and children between the ages of 7-12.
The biggest social function for computers are emailing and searching.
The dominate function for computers is searching . People (children and Adults)who don't want to read the entire book can go on the net and find summaries, also you can compare prices without going to all the stores. You can find anything you want when it comes to searching all you have to do is put one word in the search engine. The biggest search engine to me right now is Google.. I know for me and my son whenever we want to find things out about The Dominican Republic and Korea we go on the. The net helps you find out about cultuers, when you can't visit the country or are to shy to ask about it. I know for me and my son it helped us to understand the ethnic backgrounds in Asia.
Octavia :)
My research topic is cell phones.
The social function of the cell phone is the ease of which one can communicate with others without being confined to a building.
The dominationg function is that parents are able to keep track of their children easier.
With the vast number of different cultures in the state one can keep track of what is going on in their home country with greater ease.
Some of the social functions that email is being used for is to correspond with friends,relatives, and co-workers around the world. This enables you to stay in contact with people you are not able to see on a day to day basis. The email can also be used to contact supporters for social events and get new supporters. For example, some people have started and are continuing relationships and romances through email and never see each other.
The function which is dominate in email is communication. When you use email, you are able to communicate with small and large groups of people around the globe at the same time. The email is a tool, which is used to distribute messages and information out to large groups of people faster and more efficient than sending it through the postal system.
The technology of email that has been used to create and distribute culture is by the content of the message. The email enables you to have access to media, politics, sports, newpapers, fashion and many other texts, which shape your beliefs and opinions right at your fingertips. For example, if I send out an email message, which read "Merry Christmas" some of the recipients may be upset by this email because they are not Christians and their beliefs are of a different religion like Jewish, Muslim, or Jehovah Witness.
J. Johnson
My selected technology is the Digital Photo Frame.
The social functions of the Digital Photo Frame is to allow the technologically challenged person to display photos that are e-mailed directly to the frame from a technologically savvy person of love ones, friends and of special events. The dominate function is to share photos without the use of a computer. This technology also allows one to receive e-mails on-the-spot photos of different countries and their culture, while one is still on vacation.
Catherine Lewis
The technology I have chosen is the cell phone. It's the form of technology that is growing incredibily fast. The cell phone is so versatile with added new feautures. The social and dominate function are sending and receiving messages, e-mails, taking pictures and playing games. It is a major carrier for business and entertainment data.
Mobile telecommunications such as
voice telephony, SMS, WLAN (wireless local- area network) technology, and personal digital assistants (PDAs) are being used
by broader and broader sections of
society. As a result of this increased usage (particularly for mobile-phone use), there is a small but growing body of research that indicates that the use of mobile communications is influencing how we go about our daily lives from both a social and economic perspective. For example, as mobilephone usage increases, it is no longer unusual to see mobile phones being used in a wide variety of contexts (e.g., social, business) in various locations (e.g., trains). The dominate function is the capability it gives an individual to communicate in any part of the world.
Sharon Teekasingh
Cell Phone:
The cell phone has special codes used to identify the phones owner, the phone and the service provider used. A five digit number is assigned to everyone by the FCC, this is the dominant function because the phone's base station sends signals to different channels and if the phone can't find the control channels the cell phone is a unique piece of technology that was created to allow communication for people no matter where they are because it has a System Identification Code (SID)that keeps track of the phone's location at all times. The cell phone works with signals sent to a control channel which sends a change in frequencies.
Sharon Elliott
I believe that framing is one of the most harmful tools used by the media to make a person or group of persons appear negative in the eyes of society. For example, teen pregnancy and the high school drop out rate are not limited to minorities. Unfortunately, by the use of framing, minorities are portrayed in the media as the only people that fall into these categories.
David Esquilin
The topic i choose to research is the technology used in automobiles today. one of the new technolgies i chose to single out for this journal is the bluetooth capabilities in cars. there is a law that prohibits you from holding a cell phone and talking driving a car. Today all you have to do is press a button on your steering wheel and you can call and talk to anyone you want. this is hands-free communication.The social function is that it prevents auto accidents.
Uniforms in today’s society serve many functions. Uniforms show the unification of children in schools; coordination and represents unity across the county. This is seen in the social setting through socialization, identity formation and surveillance.
Uniforms are used as coding devise to differentiate students from common people. This could be seen when students are on class trips. There may be 30 children in a group and if one student is lost, the child can be easily found due to the similarity in uniforms.
T Tribble # 3
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