Writing Assignment: Journal 4 (see below)
Project homework: Research paper annotated bibliography in APA or MLA style (min. 3 sources).
Reading: Newspapers, pp. 87 – 118
Select a current news item and find two DIFFERENT print stories on the item. Include a reference of where you found each story. (Name of story/Author/Name of publication/Date)
- Analyze each news story using the SMCR model. (Eg. Who sent the story? What is the message? What channel is used to communicate? Who received the story?)
- Compare and contrast how the news item is depicted in each story. (Eg. How are the two stories similar? How are they different? Etc.)
- Critique the way the news item is covered in ONE of the stories. (Eg. What is censored or left out of the story? Is the story biased? Etc.)
The news item selected is conering the recalling of toys from China. The story was found on yahoo news website. The name of the first story is: China-made kid's jewelry, toys recalled, and the name of the second story is: Lead content prompts more toys recalls. The author for both print stories is: Christine Simmons and Associated press is the name of the publication. The date is September 27, 2007. The story was sent by the Associated press, and the message is calling toys back that was made in China, because of the harmful effects it will cause children, because of the lead found in the toys that is being made in China. The channel used is through television, internet, radio, and etc..The reciever of the story is the cosumers, parents, and educators. The story are similar, because both protray high levels of lead in toys from China, and the difference of the two items is,that one is talking about kids jewelry and the other is talking about the kinds of toys which are being recalled. There is nothing left out of the story, but I think it is kind of biased, because China is not the only country where products are being recalled.
Linda Shorts
The two articles are both from the New York Times. The titles are "Louisiana Protest Echoes the Civil Rights Era" by Richard G. Jones, 9/21/07 and the other is "Teenager Released in Louisiana Case", 9/28/07
They both speak of the injustice the case and the teenagers accused are recieving. They explain of the racial tension, caused by the hanging of nooses in a tree in school colors that set off the unrest in Jena, Louisiana. They both explain the degree of injustice thrown at these six young people, and the fight for Mychal Bell, 17 to be released and charged along with the others as a juvenile, which if convicted would have him serve until 21 years of age.
The differ in that one speaks of the teens and the degree of racial hate thrown at them, the other speaks of the protest of 10,000 plus strong; that helped Bell get released on $45,000. bail as opposed to the orginal $90,000.
The SMCR are: The newspapers, the internet, tv, radio and word of mouth.
The message is that protest and letter writing is neccessary to make this injustice known to the masses for support of the Jena six youths.
The news item covered in the "Teenager released in Louisiana Case" tells of the incident in which Bell and five co-defendant attacked a classmate. It doesn't detail the racial incidents that lead up to the fight that caused Bell to be incarcerated. It doesn't tell of the gas station incident,and the other fights around the town of 85% white and 15% black population. It doesn't tell of the DA who is also on the school board and threatens the black teen population at the school with a threat of "with the stroke of my pen I can ruin all your lives".
I believe the story had it not be told by outsiders would have been biased and based on the events that have occurred and are still occurring now in Jena, Louisiana.
I want to believe that the DA will stand trial for his behavior. Will he be held accountable?
The first article is titled Loyal Network Backs Obama After His Help, New York Times, by Christopher Drew and Raymond Hernandez, October 1, 2007. This article is in reference to Obama needing to revive his political fortunes. Obama assisted a group of black entrepreneurs to overcome barriers facing minority-owned companies. He helped start a drive that would benefit minority investment executives to win millions of dollars from the state pension funds. In return he is being rewarded with donations to win the presidential race. The second article is titled Candidates scramble for last-minute cash, CNN Washington Bureau, by Paul Steinhauser, September 29, 2007. This article gives details of the millions of dollars attained by both Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama and the reports which they must give by Monday in order for the funds to be counted in the third quarter. The article also mentions other political figures and the money that they have raised. The comparison of these articles is that they both discuss the presidential campaign and funds which the candidates have acquired. In contrast the first article is mainly about Barrack Obama whereas, the second article gives details of the various political candidates both Democrats and Republican. I think there is some bias in the first article because while Obama helped the minority business men to achieve millions of dollars and was commended for it he is later deemed as benefiting from “the kind of special-interest driven politics he now decries”. Using the SMCR model in regards to these articles, the sender is the television network CNN and the New York Times. The message is about presidential hopefuls and donations. The story is received by television audiences and consumers of the news paper.
Yvette S.
The articles that i have selected are called " Finaces Fine, Rev Al Insists despite probe" & "Jury Hints at Slamming Isiah". Both of these stories are from the Daily News by (J. Mahoney, A. Liseberg& N.Bode)& (T.Zambito, T.El- Ghobashy & D.Goldiner) The first story is about the financial probing of Rev Al Sharpton's National Action Network. The story is sent by the press & the message is intended to expose the book keeping practices of the network. The channel is in the mode of journalism and photography and the receiver is the general public.
The second story is about the sexual harassment case against Isaih Thomas & MSG by Anucha Brown Saunders. The message is intended to inform the reader about the day to day procedings of the case which is now being deliberated by a jury. The channel is in the mode of journalism and photography & the receiver is the general public.
Both stories are similar because they are exposing details about specific cases that involve high profile celebrities. In Addition they both differ because the article on Rev. Sharpton is informing on future events that will effect his organization, and the Thomas case is currently repoting on jury deliberations.
The new item i have choosen pertains to the investigation into the Black Water USA Security Team, taken from the Oct. 2nd Daily News, and NY Times.
The articule from the daily news by James Gorden Meek, of Daily News Washington Bureau is titled, "FBI will investigate BlackWater," a little articule i found on pg 20 surrounded by an articule about "a wealthy man wanting taxpayers to pay his childrens tuition", an advertisement for "correcting hair loss" and another for "male chest reduction." While the NYT articule is on the front page titled "Report says Firm Sought to Cover UP Irag Shootings", by John M. Broden.
The Daily News articule is written as to say the FBI is trying to accuse BlackWater Operatives of crimes, when they are just doing their jobs. It is not indepth,the position of the articule suggest that we the people should not take the accusations against BlackWater too seriously.
Whereas the NYTimes articule has given a brief history of the Security teams actions, then explains the reasons for the investigation. The only similarities is the fact that they mention the investigation on BlackWater. Clearly the writing style and information given states that the nytimes wants the reciever of the information to be well informed of the sitution in Iraq. I don't know as a fact, but it feels to me that the daily new coverage of this articule failed to provide alot of information, i believe because they feel that the receiver either does not care or just does not comprehend the severity of the crimes blackwater has been accused of.
My articles are in reference to the tot-assault case which took place in Las Vegas, estimated about three years ago. The first article is: Police check Vegas in tot-assault case, from The Sunday Star-Ledger, September 30, 2007. The author is Tom Gardner, The second article is titled: Sex-video victim's mom: I was at work - Crime & Punishment from MSNBC.com, dated October 2, 2007, reported by MSNBC staff and news service.
Both articles focuses on a young girl sexually molested several years ago in a video that surfaced recently by a man claimed to have found the tape in the desert. The main focus is on the search for the suspect and his most recent address where he was seen two weeks ago.
One story was sent by news reporters. The message is to alert the public on a fugitive accused of videotaping himself raping the little girl, and is the subject of a nationwide manhunt. The channels used were newspapers and the internet. We the public are the receivers.
One story focused more on the fact that the mother of the victim was unaware of the assault, and the other focused more on the manhunt of the suspect.
One of the stories went further in giving background information on the suspect, ex. the suspect is "A survivalist type" vowed never to be taken alive and formerly worked as an animal trainer. He's a survivalist type who isn't bothered by living without electricity or water, and always carries a fighting-type knife. He also has a very violent past.
I don't think there is any bias in one article giving more information on the suspect, due to the nature of the crime and the violent suspect.
Catherine Lewis
The first current news item I selected is a print story titled "Finances fine - Rev. Al insists despite probe." This print story was found in the Daily News and was written by Joe Mahoney, Adam Lisberg and Nicole Bode, dated October 2, 2007.
When analyzing the news item using the SMCR model; the sender is the Press.
The message is to inform the readers that the National Action Network Organization headed by Al Sharpton has been questioned for being behind on filings that document fund-raising income, salaries and expenses. The message also addresses the controversial payments his group made to witnesses and victims (in the Sean Bell's shooting) by comparing them to the assistance police unions give police officers.
The channel used to communicate this message is the newspaper. The receivers are all consumers of the newspaper.
The second current news item I selected is a print story titled "Rev. Al in Tax Deal." This print story was found in the New York Post newspaper and was written by Murray Weiss, dated October 2, 2007.
When analyzing this news item using the SMCR model; the sender is the Press. The message is to inform the reader on how Al Sharpton has cut a deal with the State Attorney General that will require the National Action Network to turnover several years of delinquent tax filings by the end of the month.
The channel used to communicate this message is the newspaper. The receivers are all of the consumers of the newspaper.
In comparison, the two stories are similar in the following aspects; the articles both state the National Action Network headed by Sharpton addresses the controversial payments the group has made to witnesses and victims in the Sean Bell's shooting along with other victims involving other cases. It also discusses the problem of reconstructing whatever files that were lost in the fire at the group's headquarters.
The contrasts in the two stories are as follows: The New York Post states "Al Sharpton has cut a deal with the State Attorney General, whereas the Daily News states the National Action Network will hand over years of outstanding documents under a deal set last year by Spitzer after a fire in the group's headquarters. The terminolgy used in the Post "Cut a Deal" has a negative impact than the wording used in the Daily News (will hand over). Again, the Daily News uses the following phrase from Sharpton "insisting everything is in order with his organization files."
This leads the reader to believe that maybe there is an underlying conflict involvd with the financial files. Antoher example of contrast, is the use of image photography. The Daily News article is shown with Al Sharpton praying with individuals involved in the Jena Case; in contrast to the Post showing Sharpton celebrating his birthday with radio's announcer Wendy Williams at a fund-raiser. The pictures portray two messages for the same story concept - him praying/ him partying and celebrating.
I have critiqued the Post article as placing direct blame on Al Sharpton and the National Action Network; despite his willingness to turn over his files. The article begins with this statement: "Al Sharpton has cut a deal." In addition the article names Al Sharpton as the "Preacher" This may infer to the reader to view a man of the clergy - so suprisingly doing wrong.
In summary, the Post has written this article in a way that incriminates Al Sharpton and his organization prior to review of the organization files. This situation definately gives way to the article being bias.
We must remember a person is innocent until proven guilty.
T. Williams
Sexual Harassment:
The two items came from Metro, New York and AM-NY dated Wednesday October 3,2007. The articles are centered around the case involving Knicks coach Isiah Thomas and Anucha Sanders. This story was presented to public verbally, visually and written in many newspapers and magazines. The case has been going on for months and many people tuned in to watch waiting for the outcome of this popular case.
The two stories are similar but the Metro talks more about Isiah and his feelings on the verdict. The AM-NY goes into more detail about how Mrs. Sanders was treated on the job before being fired for complaining and how this experience has put a big strain on her and her family. Reading the Metro the message was not clear of what happened to lead up to the verdict.
Sharon Elliott
My articles are fron the new york daily news and the new york post.In the new york post dated 10/05/07 track star marion jones confess to using steroids for two years while she was preparing for the 2000 olympics. jones spent the last four years denying she used enhancing drugs. Her 2000 olympic medal will be revoked.
The next story was from the new york daily news dated oct. 3 2007. by Michael o'Keefe Barry bond ex mitress and playboy pinup kimberly bell told the daily news that bond used steroid and would fret about the changes in is body.
Both Bond and Jones have been accused of using steroids, they have both denied it in the past. both athelets have stated they were given the substance and was told it was told it was a nutritional supplement flaxseed oil. Both stories are simular, they were both accused of using steriods. The message was received by the public of steriods use by athelets. the channel used was the newspaper,internet, television and radio.
October 8, 2007, 12:00 pm
Obama and the Youth Vote
By Adam Nagourney
The New York Times
The first article written by Adam Nagourney is about “Barack Obama has clearly struck a chord among younger voters. And his campaign has made what seems to be the most sophisticated effort of any of the Democrats to reach out to them, taking steps like sending recruiting teams to Iowa high schools and trying to ensure that New Hampshire college students who might be out of state on primary day get absentee ballots.Every four years stories appear about a surge of interest among younger voters in presidential politics, typically predicting a jump in turn-out that will benefit one campaign or another.
It rarely turns out to be true: the percentage of voters under 30 in the total electorate was basically unchanged between 2000 and 2004– 17 percent, according to surveys of voters leaving the polls.”
October 8th
Obama: GOP doesn't own faith issue
By Peter Hamby
The second article is written by Peter Hamby where Obama said I think it's important, particularly for those of us in the Democratic Party, to not cede values and faith to any one party," Obama told reporters outside the Redemption World Outreach Center where he attended services.
He was pleased that leaders in the evangelical community such as T.D. Jakes and Rick Warren were beginning to discuss social justice issues like AIDS and poverty in ways evangelicals were not doing before. "I think that's a healthy thing, that we're not putting people in boxes, that everybody is out there trying to figure out how do we live right and how do we create a stronger America,"
Using the SMCR model in regards to these articles, the sender is the television network CNN and the New York Times. The receiver are the American people. The channel used to communicate are television, internet, radio, newspaper, etc.Both stories are similar, because both articles are how Obama is promoting his votes either thruogh the youths or the christians voters. I do not think that these stories are biased, they do tell a story but a true story.
Sharon Teekasingh
Name of story Foreclosure Fighters
by author Gregory N. Heires and
publication by Public Employee
Press October 2007
Press had send the message to all
employees from DC 37 who are
confronting foreclosure because
unscrupulous lenders had aprove
predatory loan. Those
unscrupulous lender had take
advantage of working families,
minorities and immigrants. Those
lenders had convinced employers to
purchase home in which they can
not afford,engaging in predatory
practice and keeping byyers in the
dark about the terms of their
loans and mortgage obligation.
The receiver of the story is the
DC 37 employeeers. Source from
Press, message toward employeers
is to avoid scams. Channel use
newspapers "Press"
Second, news the story Debt
Collectors can't wait forever to
hit you with suit. Author Asa
Aaron publication by Daily News,
October 8, 2007 Asa Aarons stated
about old debt are coming back to
haunt more and more consumers
because more companies are getting
into the business of junk debt
collection. they by charged-off
accounts from credit card issuers
and other companies for pennies on
the dollars. Here the receiver of
the story is the consumers, source
from Daily News, Message people
can not get rid off debt so easy.
Channel used News paper, and
receiving were the public. Both
story the consumeres are the
victims of fraud. No bias
Martha Fuentes
The articles I selected are regarding the closure of Topps Meat Co.. The first article is from the New York Daily News - Feds waited weeks torn on tainted meat - By: Leo Standora, October 5, 2007. This article tries to justify why it took 18 days to warn customers that the beef from Topps meat co. was tainted with E- Coli. THe claims was that the initial testing of the meat was not severe enought to warn the public, they need to do a more thorough test. WIth the thought alone, the USDA should have warned the public on day one.
S- NY daily news
M- How USDA delayed informing the general public of the contaminated beef burgers for Topps Meat Co.
C- Newspaper
R - General Public.
The second article was from the New York Times, By - Ken Belson and Kareem Fahim - October 6, 2007.
This article tells about the same issues dealing with the Topps meat Co. as does the NY Daily News.
S- NY TImes
M- How USDA so to speak prewarned Topps that it might have to shut them down pending the results of testing being done. How 87 employees lost their jobs and basically the history of the company.
C - Newspaper
R- General Public
The difference between the two articles is that the Daily new gives very little information about the company. THe NY times gives more comments from the USDA, incidents that has happened within the company. The initial amount of meat recalled on Sept. 25, which was 331,582 lbs and now it is up to 21.7 million lbs. this outbreak started back in July 2007. The New York Times is a much better article because it gives you more information.
The News Items i selected were on the meeting of the two korean presidents Mr. Kim Jong II and Mr. Roh Moo-hyun. This was an historical meeting between the two koreas because there has not been a peaceful meeting between the two since the country was separated by the WWII, not only that they met on North Korean soil (WOW). Everything went well unlike other meeting were the two parties would walk out on each other, so for Korea this was a blessed day as the poeple from both side had hope it to be. The first article i read came from:
The Daily News
The Associated Press
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The Second Article came from:
The Post
Post Wire Services
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The SMCR, was the News paper and internet.
The two articles i've selected are based on the hanging of nooses one took place at squad 8 in Williamsburg in Brooklyn and the other at Columbia University, both articles were posted in the New York Daily News, on Thursday October 11, 2007.By John Marzulli and Melissa Grace. The hanging noooses has become more since the Jena Six incident, both articles are focusing on the racial issues that revolves around their place of employment. The individuals doing these hate crime feel that its a joke, hanging nooses is not a joke its one of the biggest hate crimes in the world, because African Americans has had to overcome this very pain part of lifes history.I'm proud that in both case thses individuals are standing up and letting everyone know that they are not allowing this and they will fight to let the individuls know you can't get rid of me that easily. As you see no matter where you are the hate still stands out strong, but they try to suppress it until something comes about to regenerate it.It good that we have the SMCR because it brings light of this to the public.
Michelle Johnson
The two articles that I've chosen to write about are from Trumpet Magazine's (A Lifestyle Magazino for the Socially Conscious)October 2007 edition.
First, the article Real Men Pray is about the power of prayer and its affect on the lives of not only black men but for all men. The passage tells us that we as men may feel that we run on our own steam but the real steam comes from our higher power. Prayer, we learn is talking to God and meditation is listening to God's answers. For every human being, prayer can be a source of inspiration and encouragement to succeed in our personal, private, and professional lives.
Second, Giving Citizens a Second Chance is an article about restoring ex-offenders to productive members of society. The honorable Dorothy Brown is a firm believer that crime is due to the lack of education and skills to make it in the world. I agree with her. Everyone at some point in his life makes a mistake. He souldn't have to pay for it for the rest of his life. Judge Brown's empathy is not only limited to her home state of Chicago but she spearheads summit meetings to get all of the states in the union to create from prison to work endeavors.
David Esquilin
The item I selected is the hangman noose that was left on the door at Columbis University. Dated 10/10/07, the Daily News authors were Schapiro, Gendar and Conner (Daily News Staff Writers). The Post authors were Weiss, Sheehy and Calabrese. The message was the hangman's noose is a sign of a hate crime. The channel was radio, television, internet. The article in the Post talks about the sickening act and compared it to Jena six. The Daily News discusses how Prof. Madonna Constantine was the target of racial hate crime and the alledged suspect was her coworker. The students gathered to protest. In the Post the students compared the invitation to Iranian President to speak at the schooland the crowd cheered him; a murderer and racist. It questioned the University in asking if they are not encouraging this type of behavior.
The Associated Press, Polls shows blacks, white differ on O. J. Simpson, New York Newsday (2007), Retrieved September 28,2007, from http://www.newsday.com/service/newspaper/printedition/
Wilbert A., Tatum, O.J! Another pain in the ass for white America (2007), New York Amsterdam News, Retrieved September 30,2007,from http://www.amsterdamnews.com
The two stories I chose are similar because they both speak about the feeling of African-American people and White people when it comes to O. J. Simpson. It tells how White people believe with out a shadow of a doubt if O.J. Simpson's name is metioned, he is automatically presumed quilty. However, African-Americans feel he is innocent. This is not true. The judicial system, for once in history is on an African-American's male side. The facts in the case of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, didn't prove O.J. Simpson was guilty but White Americans decide he was guilty just because he is a black man and who was married to a white woman. As much as interracial marriage goes on in today's world it will never be accepted in small-minded people. In both stories African-Americans and Whites were tried of hearing about the O.J. Simpson saga.
The two stories are different because one gives you the results of a survey and the statistics. The other story explains how white people just want O.J. Simpson to die, be killed, or sent to prison even if he is proven innocent of the robbery charges he is now facing. White America has made up their minds that he must be punished for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman at any cost.
In the Newsday story, it focused more on the statistical aspects. The Associated Press stated, "70 percent of the whites believe the charges against O.J. Simpson were true , and only 41 percent of blacks agreed." There was a survey conducted in Washington which the questions were given to 1,317 adults beginning September 21 until September 25.
In the New day article, the things, which I believed were left out of the article was the type of questions which were asked in the survey given to 1,317 adults. What was the criteria for these adults to be used in the survey? How were the people chosen for the sample, random,age group, race,etc.? The articale didn't give me anything which to believe the survey was conducted properly.
Yes, I do believe the Newday article was biased because it didn't state how many people in the sample were Black, White, or of another race or nationality. The story was geared toward its White readers. The article was done in this manner to keep the divide between Blacks and Whites when it comes to O.J. Simpson. The article wants you to believe White people are making judgment against O.J.Simpon with a level head. When in actuality it comes down to white women are the "forbidden fruit" and no African-American man should have a relationship with a white woman. This goes back to Post Slavery when African-American men were told never to look or speak to a white woman or they would be beaten of killed. For example, Emmitt Till for one, who was beaten and killed for supposedly whistling at a white woman. This didn't happen during slavery but many, many years after.
S- Newsday, the Associated Press and Wilbert A. Tatum of the Amsterdam News.
M- the message is that White people will always believe O.J. Simpson is guilty no matter what charges are brought against him because they feel he never served the time he should have because he killed his wife and her friend Ron Goldman despite the fact the court found him innocent.
C- Print, internet, and email
R- Anyone who logged on to their site, anyone who is able to purchase or subscribe to their newspapers mostly their readers.
J. Johnson
The first article reports on how many confused and concerned United Ferderation of teachers www. uft.org Nov. 15 2007. Using a complex, new assessment system that asigns the most weight to students. Year- to year progress on standardized test, the Department of Education on Nov.5 gave every student in district 75 a grade from A to F. the other article comes from the daily news on Dec. 2 2007. The name of the article Principal's 65% solution. In other words this article is saying that a school can't run without a leader. Therefore you have to be an involved principal in every aspect of your school. TTribble #4.
I chose a news article on Jena Six.
"Jena 6' teen out on $45,000 bail after 10 months" by Marisol Bello, USAToday.com 9/28/07 and "Prosecutor won't challenge ruling on 'Jena 6' teen" by The Associated press, Newsday.com 9/28/07.
The news paper companies sent the story; the message was about a minor's ruling changed to juvenile court and decreased bail; the channel was mass media over the internet (e-news); urban community received the story.
Unfortunately both news sites gave the same information. About this teen whose bail was decreased to $45,000 and an adult trail is no longer. USA today mentions how this teens' parents could not afford the original $90,000 bail. In addition, mentioned how the attorney "didn't want to delay the case further in the best interest of the beating victim."
Michelle B.
The Daily News sent the story, the message was about starting a new career, becoming a writer for the Daily News, the channel was a newspaper, the receiver is the public.
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