Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Congratulations! You have now (almost) completed Introduction to Communication. Tonight, your final audio projects (StoryCorps or other) are due. To receive full credit for your project, it must include all items on the checklist. Tonight is also the final day to complete any late work, such as online journals or research papers. During tonight's class, we will wrap up any loose ends, examining our audio projects and planning our final party. The LAP Presentation is now the only remaining requirement. This will take place on the final night of class: January 9th, 2008.

On January 9th (from 6-8pm), we will hold a public presentation of our work. Please invite your friends and family (and bring lots of goodies!) to this event. We will share our audio portraits as a group, but each of you will be asked to give a brief (1-2min) introduction to your work. You can bring any photos or written work you would like to share as well.

Yvette St. Hilaire and her daughter Shannel at their StoryCorps interview (Nov. 07).


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,

I am Shannel, Yvette's daughter,the StoryCorps interview I shared with my mum was a marvelous experience. Thank you for creating that project. Happy holiday to you and family. I look forward to meeting you at the party. Thank you for posting our picture.

Shannel St. Hilaire

Anonymous said...

Hello Classmates,
Please call me, ASAP.
JACKIE (646) 258-9311