Lions for Lambs (2007), directed by Robert Redford, stars Meryl Streep and Tom Cruise. The film details the use of media (journalist Janine Roth, played by Streep) as a communication tool by government (Senator Jasper Irving, played by Cruise). In the film, Senator Irving invites Roth to report on a new war policy for Afghanistan, but Roth soon discovers she is not being asked to "investigate" a story as much as to "repeat" an already prepared statement.
The film's title is a derivation of Alexander the Great’s proclamation, "I am never afraid of an army of Lions led into battle by a Lamb. I fear more the army of Lambs who have a Lion to lead them" (Wikipedia). This idea is ever-present throughout the film, as young men are led (rather lambishly) into violence no one fully comprehends.
For next week... (12/19)
Project homework: Your final LAP is due next week.
Reading: Global Communications Media, pp. 495 – 527
This movie really hits home because it centers around a topic that affects every American citizen in one way or another. The points of view and behavior of the characters in the film give a realistic look at how we as Americans are dealing with the so called War on Terrorism.
David Esquilin
The Lions for Lambs movie revealing a realistic story view of how Americans have to deal with the war on terrorism. For example, our American soldier wounded and killed in Aghanistan. Inded, Americans have had a profound impact loosing live.
Martha Fuentes
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