For next week... (12/05)
Project homework: Work on LAP interview.
Reading: Media Uses and Effects, pp. 391 – 429; Media Policy and Law, pp. 431 – 463
DC37 Campus, School of New Resources of The College of New Rochelle, COM105A - FALL 2007. W 6 – 9.30p.m. Professor Jen Heuson - Email: jenheuson@yahoo.com; Office Hours: W 5-5:50 or by appointment. Class blogsite: http://icrochelle.blogspot.com.
I felt that Network was a great movie. It gave a look at how people can get so caught up in their work and careers and lose sight of the important things in life like happiness and regard for other people's fellings.
David Esquilin
The movie really showed us that people are so caught up with there jobs that they lose focus of having so much more to look forward to in life. We have to learn that our careers is not our entire life and we have to want more to really be happy. We have to learn to want for ourselves just as we would want for other people.
Michelle Johnson
the movie network is a great film that sends out a very important message to people.I believe if anyone is tired or frustrated about their caree it is a great idea to have another career choice on the side. I feel that money is not everything in life, of course it is important to have but it dosn't always bring happiness.when people begin to love money the intend to forget about the important things and about people feelings. people intend to become very greedy. no one should let any company or person frustrate them in their career just because they want to become a rich company.
Martha Fuentes
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