Wednesday, November 14, 2007

SESSION ELEVEN: An Introduction to Public Relations

Tonight, we were lucky to have special guest Elsie Nwankwo of Cohn & Wolfe on hand to discuss the contemporary world of public relations. Ms Nwankwo introduced PR and discussed how PR differs from advertising. She presented four product phases important to a healthcare PR executive: 1) Preparing the market for a new product; 2) Releasing a new product; 3) Promoting a mature product; and 4) Retiring a "dead" product.

We thank Ms. Nwankwo for her visit.
If you have any questions or comments for Ms. Nwankwo regarding healthcare public relations today, please post them here.

Happy Birthday, Elsie!!


Anonymous said...

Good evening Ms. Nwankwo, I really did not know there was a difference in advertisement, but after hearing the difference between PR and Adveristement, this have allowed me to better understand of the two. I also have a better understanding about generic drugs, and what steps are taken before the drug can become generic in value. I would like to know more about Public Relations in reguards to PR, and the world of adveristement. Thank you again for coming and sharing.

Linda Shorts

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Nwankwo,
Thank you for the informative presentation on the world of Public Relations. Happy birthday

Sharon Teekasingh

Anonymous said...

Elsie Nwanko's presentation on the field of Public Relations was absolutely wonderful. It really is a field that I am considering for myself. It's easy to see how Communications and Public Relations are inter-related.

David Esquilin

Anonymous said...

Through the information given that night it was very interesting an an eye opener. As individuals we never really focus on the aspects of the difference ways generic drugs or any drugs being advertised to us through public relations we watch the commericials and not really focus on the fine points of it.
Michelle Johnson